

Thank you all for making Oxfam Online Flag-Selling 2022 a success! Your support is crucial in enabling Oxfam to continue to fight against poverty across the globe.
We would like to inform you that we have extended the rewards collection period. From today until 31 October 2022, you can visit Oxfam Hong Kong’s office and present your order/confirmation email to collect your prizes. You can also choose to have them delivered to you.

Prizes collection arrangement of Top Volunteers/ Donors 
To recognise our volunteers and donors for their generous contribution , we have some special prizes for them. The top 10 fundraisers will receive TWO complimentary tickets sponsored by Water World Ocean Park (Click here for the volunteer winners list). The top 10 donors will be rewarded with ONE set of Oxfam’s Premium E-Flags! (Click here for the donor winners list)

*All winners will be notified by email on or before 23 September 2022 about the prize collection details.

Volunteer E-certificate/‘Volunteer Hour’ Arrangements
Volunteer e-certificates will be sent out by email on or before 29 September 2022.
Volunteer Awards: Award-winning volunteers will be notified by email on or before 29 September 2022. Award Certificates (hard copy) and prizes will be available for delivery / pickup at Oxfam Hong Kong’s office from 29 September to 31 October 2022.


「阿讚貓」 x「胡氏這一家」以助人為主題,與樂施會一同展開扶貧之旅。

各款旗纸分别代表乐施会不同范畴的扶贫工作,为贫穷人带来改变和希望。是次卖旗活动以线上形式举行,足不出户也可行善,快来支持我们,共建无穷世界! 活动日期由2022年7月18日起至9月18日,阿赞猫、胡老太及胡仔带领大众了解乐施会的理念及工作,并以港币三十万为目标,筹得的款项将支持乐施会扶贫项目,惠及本地与国际的弱势社群。现正招募大量网上卖旗义工,希望汇聚大众一同帮助贫穷人,为实现「无穷世界」出一分力!

人气可爱 x 搞鬼角色及限量联乘纪念品

活动得到「阿赞猫」 x「胡氏这一家」爱心支持,首次以人气爆灯的阿赞猫、胡老太及胡仔,设计了别具意义的限量版金旗贴纸及一系列纪念品套装。纪念品套装包括:可爱环保杯套、折叠式环保袋及轻便野餐垫,设计可爱又抢眼,无论去沙滩或野餐,炎炎夏日带上这系列纪念品就最合适不过了!







“Join eShop Member” on check-out page

1. Automatically participate in “Top Donor Awards” and win prizes
2. Show donation record on the leaderboards

*Donations from non-members are accepted
**Donation record of eShop member will be updated 10 minutes after the completion of the donation.



每捐款港币 HK$100 ,即可获赠


每捐款港币 HK$160,即可获赠

全版金旗贴纸乙张 +可爱环保杯套乙个

每捐款港币 HK$300,即可获赠

全版金旗贴纸乙张 + 可爱环保杯套乙个 + 折叠环保袋乙个

每捐款港币 HK$600,即可获赠

全版金旗贴纸乙张 + 可爱环保杯套乙个 + 折叠环保袋乙个 +轻巧野餐垫乙张

1. 于乐施会办公室自取: 亲临乐施会取货(地址:香港北角马宝道28号华汇中心9楼)并出示订单/确认电邮领取。
2. 邮寄到付: 可于结帐页面的「捐款备注」一栏填写「到付」,我们于阁下下单后7天内,以速递到付方式送往香港指定地点*(运费自行支付)
– 取货日期:2022年8月4日至10月31日,于办公时间(星期一至星期五,公众假期除外),上午10时至下午5时(午膳时间 1pm – 2:30pm暂停换领,敬请留意)
* 金旗贴纸: 会以平邮方式派送。平邮服务之风险需由收件人自行承担,乐施会不会因寄失或派递过程中货物损毁负责。
* 若提交资料不完整,恕乐施会未能处理,已收之捐款将不获退还,敬请原谅。

Fundraising Awards

Top 10 fundraisers and donors will be eligible to receive additional prizes

Top 10 fundraiser who raises the highest amount will receive TWO complimentary tickets* sponsored by Water World Ocean Park among other prizes! 
*Note: Validity period: 5 October – 23 December 2022
Online reservation is required before entering Water World Ocean Park

**Record cut-off date: 18 September 2022, 23:59

The top 10 donors will be rewarded with ONE Oxfam’s Premium Set! 

*Note: For eShop Members Only

**Record cut-off date: 18 September 2022,  23:59 

Online Volunteer

Volunteers will fall into four categories: Companies, Schools, Family/Group or Individual Every online flag-selling volunteer who has successfully registered for the event will receive two volunteer hours and an electronic volunteer certificate.  

Once volunteers raise a designated amount, they will receive a hard copy of their volunteer certificate and a gift. The top 10 fundraising volunteers will also receive surprise gifts!

Volunteer hours will be stated in the award certificate. If the volunteers have registered through “Volunteer Hongkong” (V-HK) website/“Easy Volunteer” website. The “Volunteer Hours” service record will be automatically uploaded to their accounts within 4 weeks after the event. Certificates and fundraising awards will be distributed after 18 September 2022.

Bronze AwarD

Campaign bronze

Raise Over HK$320

Exquisite Certificate (Hard Copy)
4 Volunteer Hours
1 Full Set of Flags

Silver AwarD

Campaign silver 1

Raise Over HK$640

Exquisite Certificate (Hard Copy)
6 Volunteer Hours
2 Full Set of Flags
1 Cup Sleeve

Gold Award

Campaign gold1

Raise Over HK$1,280

Exquisite Certificate (Hard Copy)
8 Volunteer Hours
2 Full Set of Flags
1 Cup Sleeve





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